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Navigation Checklist in Restricted Visibility

Navigation Checklist in Restricted Visibility

This checklist is to be completed by the officer on Watch on each occasion that restricted visibility is encountered and a Log Entry made.   INITIALS
Has the following equipment been brought into operation? 
Radar, ARPA or other Plotting Facilities? 
Fog Signalling Apparatus? 
Manual Steering? 
Navigation Lights? 
Watertight Doors, as appropriate? 
Have extra Lookouts been posted? 
Have the Master and Engineroom been informed and engines put on “Standby”? 
Are the 1972 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea being complied with, particularly with regard to proceeding at a safe speed? 
Other checks (list):___________________________________________________________






OOW’sSIGNATURE:                                                                                 DATE:


    HP P