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Navigation Checklist in Ice Checklist

Navigation Checklist in Ice Checklist

Ice checklist is to be completed by the officer on Watch on each occasion that ice is expected and a Log Entry made   INITIALS
Have the following been informed of the conditions?
The Master?
The Engineroom?


Have all Watertight Doors been shut, as appropriate?
Has Speed been adjusted?
Is Deck Machinery running?
Have Lookouts been posted?
Have instructions been issued on the following matters?
Monitoring Ice Advisory Service Broadcasts?
Transmitting Danger Messages in accordance with SOLAS 1974 – Chapter V – Regulation 2(a).
Have any local ice navigation regulations been followed like ice checklist?
Have requirements of som 3.5.3 (Navigating in Ice) been followed and still ineffect?  
Request for ice advisor confirmed from local agent/port/aothority  
CHIEF OFFICER’SSIGNATURE:                              NASTER                                        DATE:


    HP P