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Monthly Safety Committee Meeting

Monthly Safety Committee Meeting

M/V: Report Number:
Consists of consecutive month & yeare.g. 01/2014 for Jan 2014
Meeting Opened: Date/time Meeting Closed:


CHAIRMAN(MASTER) For Office Use Only
SECRETARY  Date received:          Initial:

aa)      Previous meeting minutes to be agreed read


bb)     Opening comments



cc)      Matters outstanding from previous meeting

(Briefly describe including progress made/actions to be taken/who responsible.)



dd)      New matters arising

(Briefly describe and specify agreed actions to be taken and person(s) responsible, including results of Safety Inspections conducted by Safety Officer since last meeting.  The opportunity should be used to discuss any risk assessment activities carried out since the last meeting)




ee)      Safety Equipment Under Repair or Undergoing Maintenance by Ships Staff

(List here any items of safety equipment, including emergency generators, alarm systems, gas detection, fire and lifesaving equipment, that is under repair or undergoing maintenance by ship’s staff)




ff)       Safety Equipment Outstanding or Overdue Maintenance (Including Calibration)

(List here any items of safety equipment, including emergency generators, alarm systems, gas detection, fire and lifesaving equipment, that has maintenance outstanding or overdue.)





gg)      Safety Equipment Out of Service and / or Awaiting Action by Management Office

(Note that any comments relating to spares or parts must include all requisition numbers together with the date ordered.)




hh)     Emergency/pollution drills conducted

(Briefly specify the date and type of drill).




ii)        Safety training conducted (other than safety drills)

(See Ships  Training Record Book )





jj)        Safety training planned (other than safety drills)

(Briefly specify training to be implemented and when before next Safety Committee Meeting.)





kk)      Any other business

(Briefly specify any other matters arising including other training recommendations, first aid, accident prevention, health, sanitation and welfare issues with intended actions. Feedback from the Company is to be discussed which may be with regard to near misses, lessons learned, analysis of accidents/incidents and any best practices identified. Please ensure that the number of accidents, incidents and near misses that occurred during the month are summarised: if none write “NONE”)



ll)        Conclusion




mm)   Statement of Compliance

 It is confirmed that this vessel complies with the Company’s Safety Procedures


Yes / No (delete as applicable: If no, then any deviation is to be noted to the office immediately and summarised below)




Signed:          Safety Officer                                                 Date:


Signed:          Secretary                                                       Date:


Signed:          Master                                                          Date:



The minutes of the Safety Committee Meeting are to be forwarded to the S&Q Manager/Superintendent

    HP P